Home » Breast Surgery Before & After Gallery
This patient underwent a dual plane breast augmentation with smooth round full profile 295cc implants. Results are shown at three months post-op.
As part of their mommy makeover, this patient opted for a breast augmentation with 325cc moderate profile plus implants via an inframammary incision.
This patient came to us with a desire for fuller and perkier breasts. Due to having five children, she was experiencing severe deflation coupled with almost no breast tissue. This case highlights the importance of discussing each patient’s desires and goals for their final outcome, as well as taking their overall lifestyle into consideration, when developing an ideal surgical plan.
In normal practice, most plastic surgeons opt to place breast implants underneath the muscle when patients present with very little breast tissue and minimal body fat. However, Dr. Jalil’s background in breast reconstruction informed a different approach to this surgical plan.
He noted that if we were to place implants under the muscle, this patient would experience a severe animation deformity (the implants moving when the muscles are flexed) that would be obvious and visible. Additionally, this patient is extremely active both at work and in her hobbies. She relies a great deal on her musculature much like a fitness athlete would, and thus we did not want to sacrifice any amount of function.
With all this taken into account, we opted to place the Mentor Xtra 340-390cc implants over the muscle, with the small downside of ‘rippling’ (being able to see the visible implant edges through the extremely thin skin). To help offset this issue, we chose an ‘extra-filled’ silicone implant to minimize but not totally eliminate this problem.
Treatment plan:
–Standard tummy tuck
–Lipo 360
–Breast augmentation with 415cc full profile implants, placed over the muscle through an under the fold (IMF) incision
This patient was ready to reverse the toll that two pregnancies had taken and get that boost of body confidence back again. Her main goal for her breasts was added fullness. She had a small amount of sagging after breastfeeding, but through our consultation together we decided that an augmentation without a lift was the best fit for her needs right now. 465cc subglandular implants placed via the IMF fold (where the bottom of the breast meets the chest) have given her a very nice and natural shape.
This patient underwent breast augmentation with 350cc smooth moderate plus profile implants, using a subpectoral placement via an inframammary incision.
This patient opted for a breast augmentation with smooth moderate profile 330cc implants. Her treatment plan included a subpectoral dual plane technique and an inframammary incision (the crease where the bottom of the breast meets the chest). Results are shown at six months post-op.
This patient opted for a breast augmentation with 400cc high profile smooth round silicone implants, placed under the muscle using an inframammary incision.
This patient opted for a breast augmentation with 425cc moderate profile plus implants to achieve her aesthetic goals.
This patient opted for a breast augmentation using 350cc moderate profile plus implants, placed under the muscle through an intramammary incision.
This patient underwent a breast augmentation with Mentor Smooth Round Moderate Plus Profile Xtra 300cc implants to achieve a beautiful and natural silhouette. Results are shown at two years post-op.
This patient opted for a composite breast augmentation with 330cc silicone implants and fat transfer to the breasts, using an under-the-muscle IMF approach. Results are shown at six weeks post-op.
This 24 year old female patient worked with Dr. Somogyi to achieve her breast augmentation goals.
Her surgical plan included ultra high profile 590cc silicone implants to achieve the high profile and significant projection she desired. The ‘after’ photos were taken 2 years post-surgery.
Treatment plan:
– Breast lift with Wise pattern incision
– Breast augmentation with Smooth Round Gel Moderate Plus Profile 275cc implants
Treatment plan:
– Tummy tuck
– Contouring liposuction
– Breast lift and augmentation
This patient’s mommy makeover included a tummy tuck, a breast lift, and a breast augmentation with full profile 335cc silicone implants that complimented her small frame. Results are shown at three months post-op.
Along with an abdominoplasty, this patient underwent a breast augmentation and lift with 440cc implants, an anchor scar pattern, and contouring liposuction.
After losing a significant amount of weight, this patient’s treatment plan included a Fleur de Lis abdominoplasty as well as a breast augmentation and lift using full profile 450cc implants to achieve these incredible results.
This patient’s mommy makeover included breast augmentation using 235cc moderate plus profile implants, performed in conjunction with a breast lift (anchor scar pattern) to achieve these beautiful results.
This patient opted for a breast augmentation and mastopexy with 485cc moderate profile silicone implants to achieve the lifted and rejuvenated results you see here. Results are shown at four months post op.
This patient is enjoying some really beautiful results after her mommy makeover. After having children, including multiple C-sections, she wanted to get her body feeling ‘back to normal’ again—a very common and understandable request.
To address her breast concerns, she underwent a breast lift and augmentation using 295cc Moderate Plus profile implants, which as you can see has achieved a very naturally rejuvenated look. These results are shown at three months post-op. She is healing beautifully and her scars will continue to fade over time.
This patient underwent a tuberous breast correct with Dr. Somogyi to achieve these impactful results. Her treatment plan included a breast lift and augmentation with full profile 265cc silicone implants. Results are shown at three months post-op.
This patient came to us with existing saline implants, which had gradually lost volume over the years. Along with the implant related problems, her breast tissue had also gradually fallen and she was seeking an improvement in that department.
Dr. Jalil first deflated the existing implants pre-operatively. This can be helpful when patients don’t have previous OR records to provide, and as a result they don’t know their current volume. It also can be helpful for the patient to assess what their breasts look like without implants. The Before photos show the patient after the old implants had been deflated and removed.
This patient’s treatment plan included a breast lift (mastopexy) and a breast augmentation with smooth round 350cc silicone implants. She is thrilled with the result and her scars will continue to fade over time.
This patient came to us seeking her address the size and laxity of her breasts. She underwent a breast lift and augmentation using 325-375cc Mentor implants to balance her frame nicely and achieve her goals.
This patient underwent a mastopexy (breast lift) in addition to a breast augmentation using smooth round 240cc gel implants.
After losing a significant amount of weight, Dr. Somogyi helped this patient address their loose skin with a body lift, coupled with a breast augmentation and lift with smooth moderate profile 310cc implants for a full body transformation.
Treatment plan:
– Tummy tuck
– Liposuction of the flanks and upper abdomen
– Breast lift with auto augmentation using Wise pattern incision
– Liposuction and excess skin excision near the axilla (armpit)
These excellent mommy makeover results are shown at just six weeks post-op; scars will continue to fade over time.
This patient was happy with her existing breast implants from a previous operation, but was dissatisfied with how the breast tissue was falling off the implants and desired a lift. She opted for a bilateral mastopexy with an anchor scar pattern, as well as an abdominoplasty and liposuction contouring for waist definition.
This patient came to us with concerns about her drooping breasts. She underwent a breast lift using an anchor scar pattern and our ‘you implant’ technique; repositioning her own tissue for a more pleasing aesthetic. Results are shown at two months post-op and her scars will continue to fade over time.
This patient wanted to keep as much of her volume as possible while also getting a lift simultaneously, and was initially interested in breast implants. With that in mind, we were able to make a ‘natural implant’ by using her own breast tissue and placing it in a more natural, youthful position in the upper portion of her breast. This technique is often described as tissue displacement or re-arrangement.
This patient underwent a breast lift with Dr. Jalil as well as an abdominoplasty.
This patient underwent a vertical breast lift using a reshaping technique to improve the breast contour. Results are shown at three months post-op.
This patient opted for a breast lift using a lollipop scar pattern and our auto-augmentation/’you implant’ technique, repositioning her own tissue to enhance the appearance of the breasts as well as correct asymmetry.
Before | After 6 weeks<br
For this patient, Dr. Jalil performed a breast lift using a vertical or ‘lollipop’ incision. 125g of tissue were removed from each side, along with liposuctioning of the bra roll area, taking her from a D bra cup size to a full C.
This patient wished to retain some of her breast volume while also removing some excess skin. We decided that the best operation for her for would a bilateral breast mastopexy using the wise incision pattern.
The results shown here are at six weeks and the result will continue to improve over the next few months as the breasts settle. With the right skincare regimen, the scars will continue to mature and appear as fine lines by around the one year mark.
This patient underwent a bilateral breast reduction and lift, during which Dr. Somogyi also corrected the significant asymmetry for a balanced aesthetic.
Before | After 6 weeks
This patient came to see us with significant breast asymmetry. Dr. Jalil performed a one-sided reduction and a one-sided lift, utilizing the same scar pattern on both sides, to achieve this balanced result.
After losing 135lbs, this patient underwent a breast lift with thoracoplasty (lateral chest contouring) to restore the shape and positioning of her breasts. She also opted for a fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty, followed by a vertical thigh lift, for a total body rejuvenation. Results are shown at one year post-op.
This patient presented with no form of reconstruction after having both of her breasts removed due to cancer. Dr. Jalil performed a delayed bilateral breast reconstruction using spare tissue from her abdomen to create a new breast. The second stage of this procedure included reduction of the skin paddle that was present from her abdomen. At the same time, a nipple reconstruction was performed along with reduction of the breast envelope.
This patient came to us for prophylactic breast cancer reconstruction, as she was gene positive for BRCA. She elected to have her surgery done with Dr. Jalil in two stages.
The first stage was the transfer of breast tissue from the abdomen to the breast. This is termed autologous reconstruction (a.k.a. DIEP flap). The second stage included reduction of the skin paddles from the flap and a breast lift.
These results could easily be confused with a cosmetic tummy tuck—a testament to our level of surgical skill and care.
This is an example of what you can accomplish in breast reconstruction surgery when the cards are stacked against you. In this case, we see a patient who is came to us many years after their initial mastectomy (removal of breast(s) due to breast cancer). After their initial surgery, they also had to undergo treatment to reduce recurrence with radiation and chemotherapy. Radiation can be particularly frustrating for surgeons because it can result in severe damage and contraction of the skin.
In this form of reconstruction, we opted to remove all the disease contracted skin and replaced it using tissue from her abdomen. This allowed her to benefit from a slight improvement to the appearance of her abdomen as well. We also performed a breast lift on the opposite side breast. As you can see, she is now able to wear bras comfortably and her overall form has been restored.
Sometimes in breast reconstruction, it’s possible to leave a person in similar or slightly better form as to when they were first diagnosed. In this scenario, the patient presented with breast cancer and incidentally also had a breast augmentation that was done 15 years ago by another surgeon. After having a discussion about our options, she elected to go ahead with an implant-based prepectoral reconstruction.
Since her original implants were placed in the under the muscle position, we had to remove the old brass capsule and implant, reconstruct the pectoralis muscle, and then allow the general surgeon to perform a mastectomy in the nipple sparing fashion.
Although this patient certainly could’ve benefitted from a lift, she was keen on keeping her nipple if possible. We were able to perform the entire surgery from a remote IMF incision (in the breast crease), therefore minimizing the visibility of scars. She is excited about her current results and has resumed all normal activities.
This patient previously had a lumpectomy with radiation done on the right side. Unfortunately, she had some aesthetic complications as a result. The issues were related to post-radiation scarring along with a situation in which the scarring was pulling the nipple off to the side. After having a detailed discussion with this patient about her wishes and desires, we proceeded with a breast lift/reduction with lipocontouring on the left side to help with symmetry.
Next, we reconstructed the defect on the right side. This involves excising all the old scar in radiated area – once this is done a substantial defect is created. The only way to then fix this is to move or rotate nearby tissue into the defect, thus preventing irregularities or defects. This technique is often described as an Oncoplastic Reconstruction. As you can see from the postoperative photo, there is significant improvement.
Its important to keep in mind that the right side, which is radiated, will always be a little bit higher and asymmetrical. The effects of radiation are for life. However, the surgical workarounds that a surgeon can do to help improve symmetry can be seen in these photos.
This is an example of what you can accomplish in breast reconstruction when the cards are stacked against you. In this scenario, we see a patient who has presented many years after their initial mastectomy (removal of breast) due to breast cancer. After their initial surgery, they also had to undergo treatment to reduce recurrence with radiation and chemotherapy. Radiation can be particularly frustrating for surgeons because it can result in severe damage and contraction of the skin.
In this form of reconstruction, we opted to remove all the disease contracted skin and replace it with tissue from her abdomen, along with a breast lift on the opposite sided breast. As you can see, she is now able to wear bras comfortably and her overall form has been restored. Along with this, she also benefited from a slight improvement in the appearance of her tummy.
This patient underwent a nipple-sparing bilateral mastectomy with implant based reconstruction performed by Dr. Jalil. She opted for 450cc moderate plus profile implants placed above the muscle with Alloderm. The incision was hidden beneath the breast fold. Because this patient’s skin is so thin, some rippling of the implant is visible. Typically this can be corrected cosmetically at a later date with fat transfer.
This patient came to Dr. Jalil with existing breast expanders that were painful and contracted. Additionally, she was having issues with animation and deformity from the implants being under her muscle. Dr. Jalil performed a conversion from implant to autologous (self tissue) breast reconstruction.
Stage 1:
– Complete resection of breast capsule with removal of implants on both sides
– Reconstruction of pectoral muscle on both sides
– Bilateral breast reconstruction with DIEP flaps from her abdomen (used her abdominal tissue to create a new breast)
Stage 2
– Nipple creation
– Reduction of skin paddle and breast envelope
Stage 3
– Tattoo of nipple-areolar complex
For this patient, a breast reduction and contouring liposuction made a dramatic improvement to her mobility and lifestyle.
This patient came in with symptoms of back, shoulder, and neck pain. She underwent a breast reduction with contouring liposuction, removing approximately 600 g of breast tissue on both sides and correcting her preoperative asymmetry. A wise pattern incision was used, otherwise known as an anchor scar pattern. Her preoperative symptoms of pain have all but dissipated.
As part of her mommy makeover, Dr. Jalil created a balanced and proportionate breast result for this patient.
This patient came to us presenting with breast hypertrophy with asymmetry. She had difficulty with activities and with finding bras and clothing, and was also experiencing significant back, shoulder, neck pain.
To solve these concerns, Dr. Somogyi performed a bilateral breast reduction using a Wise pattern (anchor) incision with lateral breast and chest contouring liposuction.
This patient found that her breasts were too large for her frame, causing neck, shoulder, and back pain as well as forcing her to modify and limit athletic activities due to pain. She also had some breast asymmetry.
She underwent a breast reduction and lift using a circumvertical and superomedial technique. Excess tissue was removed from the inferior, lateral and medial breast. On the right side 394g of tissue was resected and on the left side 255g of tissue was resected to create these balanced results and improve her quality of life.
This patient’s treatment plan included a breast reduction with 510g of tissue removed from the left and 470g removed from the right. Contouring liposuction and auto-augmentation created natural fullness. Results are shown at one year post-op.
This patient opted for a mommy makeover that included a breast reduction, with 296g of tissue removed from the right breast and 350g removed from the left. Contouring liposuction of the flanks, upper abdomen, and bra rolls enhanced her outcome. Her sculpted, tightened results are shown at two months post-op.
This patient presented with heavy, pendulous, ptotic breasts. She opted for a breast reduction and lift using an anchor scar pattern, as well as lipocontouring of the bra roll areas with ~300cc removed on each side.
This patient underwent a breast reduction with contouring liposuction with Dr. Somogyi, as well as an abdominoplasty for a full-body transformation. Results are shown at six months post-op.
This patient underwent a bilateral breast reduction to achieve these natural-looking results. Results are shown at three months post-op and scars will continue to fade over time.
This patient underwent a bilateral breast reduction and lift, during which Dr. Somogyi also corrected the significant asymmetry for a balanced aesthetic.
This patient desired a significant lift and partial reduction to help fit in her clothes better while also focusing on an improved aesthetic. Her surgical plan with Dr. Jalil included a ‘you’ implant—the use of her own tissue to enhance shape—and contouring liposuction.
This patient underwent a bilateral breast reduction to reduce her breast size as well as balancing the symmetry of her breasts. Results are shown at four months post-op.
This patient underwent a wise pattern breast reduction with lipocontouring to help not only with her aesthetics, but also her symptoms of back and shoulder pain. She had over two kilograms removed from each breast to achieve the results you see here.
This patient underwent a breast reduction with a lift and lipocontouring. Dr. Jalil used the anchor scar pattern and removed 1kg from each side to achieve these results.
This patient underwent a bilateral breast reduction with contouring liposuction. 360g of tissue were removed from the right side and 414g from the left for a balanced natural looking appearance. Results are shown at three months post-op.
This patient’s treatment plan included a breast reduction with 1036g of tissue removed from the left and 1014g removed from the right. Auto-augmentation helped to create natural fullness in the upper pole of the breasts. Results are shown at three months post-op.
This patient underwent a breast reduction with asymmetry correction, allowing Dr. Jalil to achieve this balanced result to her overall silhouette.
Before | After 3 weeks
This patient underwent a breast reduction with liposuction contouring to create an aesthetically pleasing shape. Nearly 500cc of fat coupled with 500 grams of tissue were removed using an anchor incision pattern. These two sets of photos show the progression of her scar healing, which will continue to improve over time.
Before | After 5 months
This patient underwent a breast reduction with contouring lateral liposuction to achieve the beautiful, proportionate result you see here.
Before | After 1 year
A breast reduction with liposuction helped this patient achieve the size and shape she desired, along with restoring the nipples to a more optimal position.
Before | After 4 weeks
This patient underwent a breast reduction with contouring liposuction, creating the beautifully balanced silhouette you see here.
This patient’s treatment plan included a breast reduction with 1036g of tissue removed from the left and 984g removed from the right. Contouring liposuction of 500cc helped create an aesthetically pleasing result.
This patient’s treatment plan included a breast reduction with 369g of tissue removed from the left and 384g removed from the right. Contouring liposuction of 200cc and auto-augmentation helped to create an aesthetically pleasing result. Results are shown at three months post-op.
This patient came to us with existing implants that she wished to have removed. Dr. Somogyi performed an implant removal and breast lift to restore her own breast tissue to an optimal position. She also chose to undergo an abdominoplasty. Results are shown at one year post-op
This patient underwent a bilateral capsulectomy to remove her existing implants and exchange them for new ones, as well as a breast lift to achieve these rejuvenated results.
This patient had previously undergone a breast reduction, and desired a change in her breast size while maintaining a natural look. To achieve her goals, Dr. Jalil performed a breast augmentation using 685cc moderate profile implants and a revised breast lift using the anchor pattern.
This patient was experiencing painful contracted breasts subsequent to implant placement 10 years prior. She was looking to have her implants removed, replaced, and the pain treated. Dr. Jalil used an IMF incision to exchange her implants for larger and fuller ones after the complete capsule was removed.
This patient did not desire the addition of a breast lift at this time. A lift can be performed at a later date should the patient wish, but she is happy with her initial results.
This patient came to us with textured anatomic (tear drop) implants that she wished to exchange for larger, smooth round implants. She underwent a bilateral capsulectomy and implant exchange to full profile 450cc silicone implants with Dr. Somogyi. Results are shown at four months post-op.
This patient came to us with improperly selected and placed implants from a previous surgery. She desired her nipples to be evenly positioned, improved symmetry, and for the upper pole of her breasts to have more fullness.
Her revision surgery with Dr. Jalil required a conversion from her under-muscle pocket to an over-muscle pocket, as well as several internal pocket repairs. As you can see, she has achieved her goals and a fantastic result.
This patient unfortunately had a spontaneous deflation of one implant. We gave her a period of respite (3 weeks) before her revision surgery by deflating the other implant. This gives patients a prolonged period to get accustomed to what their breasts would look like without implants and to decide if surgery is the right answer for them. Additionally, it gives us the added benefit of observing any subtle size differences or asymmetries between the breasts, making our implant selection even more accurate.
Ultimately, this patient decided to upsize her old implants (saline, 450cc) to 650cc on the smaller breast and 605cc on the larger breast (silicone moderate profile plus, smooth round).
This patient had a previous breast augmentation with mastopexy (breast lift) several years ago with another surgeon, but has since had some serious post-op complications, including capsular contracture (scarring around the implant) and pigment bleeding from her nipple onto her scar. Breastfeeding had also caused tissue descent.
Dr. Jalil performed a total revision of her previous breast surgery and exchanged her implants for ones that are more appropriately shaped for her (300 cc, smooth round, moderate profile). The irregular coloured portion of the nipple-areolar complex was also removed. These after photos are shown at six weeks and her scars will continue to heal over time.
This patient presented with an extremely difficult combination of implant mal-position and capsular contracture on the right side. She underwent a bilateral implant exchange through an IMF incision. During this procedure, several internal pocket adjustments and repairs had to be done on the right side. Additionally, old scar tissue needed to be removed (capsulectomy). The results you see here are shown at 3 months post-op.
Can a request for a breast reduction and implants be accomplished at the same time? The answer is yes! Some people come to see us with a desire to have a decrease in their overall breast volume, while still maintaining the volume in the upper area of their breast (something only accomplished with implants).
In this scenario, the patient had previous implants that were simply too large for her. She also had a significant amount of skin/tissue present after pregnancies and natural aging.
Dr. Jali’s treatment plan included exchanging her current implants for smaller ones combined with a reduction/lift of her current breast tissue. She went from nearly a G bra cup size to a full C/small D and is very happy with her results.
It’s always a challenge to correct an asymmetry, but it is even more challenging when the asymmetry already exists in the setting of a previous surgery.
Pictured here is a patient who has two very different breasts coupled with previous implants that were originally placed in an effort to correct this asymmetry. As you can see, this did not accomplish the goal. In addition, the implants that were previously placed are now discontinued and there was no previous OR note available to help guide us on the original volume.
Through careful planning and discussion with the patient, Dr. Jalil ordered several sizers and types of implants, all varying in projection and volume. After initially removing all the scar tissue and correcting the implant pocket with several deep sutures, he then placed new implants in the range of ~490 cc under the muscle on both sides. Once the implants were perfectly placed, the right sided breast was then lifted using a lollipop style incision.
In the after images, you can see that the symmetry and shape is now nearly identical. Mission accomplished!
Dr. Ron Somogyi removed this patient’s existing 320cc implants and performed a mastopexy (breast lift) to achieve her aesthetic goals. Results are shown at six months post-op.
This patient’s old implants (saline, 400cc) were replaced with moderate profile plus 485cc implants through a bilateral implant exchange. These implants were then secured with meticulous pocket work and capsule repair to ensure no bottoming out or displacement. Once perfectly placed, the breast tissue was then lifted and centred around the implants to achieve these results.
This patient wished to have her existing implants removed. Dr. Somogyi performed an explantation and breast lift to maintain her desired shape. Results are shown at six months post-op.
This patient had significant gynecomastia on one side only. Dr. Jalil was able to perform tissue excision and liposuction for a symmetrical appearance and scars that are nearly imperceptible.
Before | After 3 months
Despite being physically fit, this patient’s experience with gynecomastia (excess male breast tissue) could not be resolved with exercise. Using liposuction and excision, we achieved the more balanced appearance you see here.
This patient is shown at four weeks following gynecomastia liposuction with Vaser and is healing very well. This procedure was carried out with direct gland excision and a small remote incision near the axilla (armpit).
This patient came to us seeking a flatter chest. He underwent gynecomastia surgery with Dr. Jalil, removing excess tissue and reshaping the chest with contouring liposuction. Results are shown at three months post-op.
Before | After 3 months
For this patient, we peformed gynecomastia surgery to reduce excess tissue and achieve the smooth, flat chest they desired.
This patient opted for gynecomastia surgery with excision and contouring liposuction to achieve a flatter chest. Results are shown at three months post-op.
Patient privacy is of utmost importance to us. We are so appreciative of the patients that have allowed us to display their photos on our website to help others explore their options. Many more patients have asked that their photos be restricted to direct patient use only – these additional photos can be viewed on TouchMD.