You’ve worked hard to achieve the goals you set for yourself, only to feel discouraged at the finish line. You’re not alone; many men and women feel frustrated by the sagging or stretched skin and uneven body contours left behind after significant weight loss. While many happily embrace these new changes, for others, they can greatly affect overall confidence and self-esteem. If these concerns sound familiar, we’re here to help you achieve the shape you’ve worked so hard for.
For many, significant weight loss can result in areas of loose or excess skin and stretch marks. Body contouring can address these issues on the abdomen, arms, and legs. An abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), often paired with liposuction, removes excess fat and skin from the lower abdomen and tightens weak and loose abdominal muscles for a flatter, firmer appearance. A brachioplasty (arm lift) tightens loose skin and removes the excess fat in the upper arms, and a thighplasty (thigh lift) accomplishes the same result for the upper leg. A body lift can simultaneously address the abdomen, flanks, buttocks, and lateral thighs.
Weight loss can bring about many changes to a woman’s breasts. Changes in size, shape, volume, and skin laxity can occur. Depending on the concern, there are many excellent options to correct these changes while maintaining a comfortable, natural-looking result. A breast augmentation can increase the size and/or improve the shape of the breast, a breast lift is designed to lift the breast and nipple to a more proportionate, youthful position, and a breast reduction can restore proportionate size, shape and position.
Many patients feel that their skin changes dramatically as a result of weight fluctuations. Of course, lax skin is a common complaint, but additional changes may include uneven pigment, dullness, the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and loss of volume or definition. These can all be improved with a customized combination of a facelift and neck lift, skin tightening treatments, skincare, injectable treatments, or other non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures.
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Through their commitment to excellence and thoughtful care, Dr. Ron Somogyi, Dr. Waqqas Jalil, and Dr. Michael Brandt are passionate about helping you find your true form.
Your true form awaits. Contact us today to book a consultation with our surgeons.