Home » Mommy Makeover Before & After Gallery
Treatment plan:
– Tummy tuck
– Liposuction of the flanks and upper abdomen
– Breast lift with auto augmentation using Wise pattern incision
– Liposuction and excess skin excision near the axilla (armpit)
These excellent mommy makeover results are shown at just six weeks post-op; scars will continue to fade over time.
This patient had only a small amount of lax skin on her abdomen, and was a good candidate for a mini tummy tuck with contouring liposuction to reveal a more contoured and tightened shape.
This patient underwent a breast reduction and lift in addition to an abdominoplasty with contouring liposuction. Results are shown at one year post-op.
This patient underwent multiple staggered procedures with Dr. Jalil to tighten and contour her body after a period of weight loss, including a tummy tuck, posterior lift, and fat transfer to the hips and buttocks.
This patient underwent a tummy tuck and flank liposuction with Dr. Somogyi to remove excess tissue and create a flattened, contoured shape. Results are shown at six months post-op.
Treatment plan:
– Extended tummy tuck
– Lipo 360
– Breast lift with auto augmentation; using the patient’s own tissue to create a fuller appearance
Results are shown at six weeks. This patient is already healing well and her results will continue to improve as swelling goes down and scars fade.
Dr. Jalil achieved this excellent tummy tuck result to flatten and tighten this patient’s abdomen.
Treatment plan:
– Breast reduction
– Tummy tuck
– Contouring liposuction of the abdomen and flanks
After losing a significant amount of weight, Dr. Somogyi helped this patient address their loose skin with a body lift, coupled with a breast augmentation and lift with smooth moderate profile 310cc implants for a full body transformation.
Treatment plan:
–Standard tummy tuck
–Lipo 360
–Breast augmentation with 415cc full profile implants, placed over the muscle through an under the fold (IMF) incision
This patient had lost 165lbs and was left with significant excess skin and sagging breasts. She underwent an extended abdominoplasty and a breast lift with auto-augmentation to achieve these dramatic results. Results shown at six months post-op.
This patient underwent an abdominoplasty and liposuction contouring for waist definition, as well as a breast lift. Of particular note is the appearance of her belly button, which has healed imperceptibly. This patient is thrilled with her beautiful mommy makeover results.
This patient underwent an abdominoplasty with muscle repair and lipocontouring of the flanks and upper abdomen.
In addition to a breast reduction, this patient underwent an abdominoplasty to achieve these smooth, flat results.
This patient presented with excess abdominal tissue and muscle separation post-pregnancy. During her procedure, Dr. Jalil removed the excess skin, repaired the muscle separation, and performed contouring liposuction to highlight the rectus muscles and the hip and waist contour for a hi-def result.
This patient underwent an extended abdominoplasty with contouring liposuction to achieve these transformational results. Extra skin was removed, while excess fat on the abdominal area and flanks was treated with liposuction to achieve the tight, flat contour you see here. The abdominal muscles were also repaired and tightened. Results are shown at eight months post-op.
Before | After 2 months
For this patient, Dr. Jalil performed a drain-free tummy tuck with liposuction and triple layer muscle repair to create the smooth, flat appearance you see here.
This patient underwent an abdominoplasty with Dr. Jalil as well as a breast lift.
As part of their mommy makeover, this patient opted for an abdominoplasty with contouring liposuction.
This patient underwent what we call a ‘mini’ tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, along with liposuction contouring. The main differences between the regular tummy tuck and a mini are in the incision length and the amount of skin resected.
This patient she didn’t have a large amount of excess skin, but definitely had a very large diastasis (muscle separation) causing distension. We repaired the muscle separation via a mini tummy tuck incision and removed a small amount of tissue, resulting in this extremely nice outcome.
Mini tummy tucks are exclusively reserved for people who have only a small amount of excess skin, but who have ongoing issues with muscle separation post-pregnancy. Please inquire to see whether you may be a candidate.
This patient underwent a tummy tuck with Dr. Somogyi to correct the very significant diastasis that was causing a distended appearance. Results are shown at three months post-op.
As part of her mommy makeover, this patient underwent a tummy tuck with contouring liposuction to address the skin laxity present after having several children.
This patient opted for a tummy tuck with Dr. Somogyi to address excess tissue on the abdomen and achieve these smooth, flat results.
This patient’s mommy makeover included a tummy tuck with lipocontouring to achieve these tightened results.
This patient underwent a tummy tuck with Dr. Somogyi to achieve these smooth, sculpted results at three months post-op.
This patient underwent a Fleur de Lis abdominoplasty with liposuction to achieve these dramatic results. A total of 3500cc of fat was removed via liposuction, while the pannus (excess abdominal tissue) weighing a total of 5284g was removed.
After losing 135lbs, this patient underwent a fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty with Dr. Somogyi to remove the excess tissue on her abdomen. She also opted to undergo a breast lift during the same surgery, as well as a vertical thigh lift at a later date. Results are shown at one year post op.
This patient underwent an abdominoplasty with Dr. Jalil to achieve the flat, smooth results you see here.
Before | After 2 months
This patient underwent a drain-free tummy tuck with triple layer muscle repair, resulting in a smooth and flat abdomen.
Before | After 6 weeks
This patient had a midline C-section which was responsible for the deep midline fold you see in her Before photo. She underwent an abdominoplasty with abdominal and flank liposuction.
Additionally, after giving birth to four children, she required a fairly moderate diastasis repair of her rectus muscle. The results you see here are shown at 4 months post-op.
This patient underwent an abdominoplasty for a smoother, more contoured physique.
This patient underwent a Fleur de Lis abdominoplasty as well as an extended brachioplasty (arm lift) with Dr. Somogyi to achieve these incredible results.
This patient underwent an abdominoplasty with contouring liposuction of the flanks.
This patient underwent multiple procedures with us after losing a significant amount of weight. At this stage, the patient desired increased roundness as well as a slight decrease in overall volume of the glutes and flanks. Dr. Jalil achieved these excellent results with a posterior lift.
This patient underwent multiple staggered procedures with Dr. Jalil to tighten and contour her body after a period of weight loss. Following a tummy tuck and breast lift, these results show a posterior lift paired with fat transfer to lift the buttocks and round out the shape of the buttocks and hips.
This patient was seeking a more contoured, high-definition appearance. She underwent a BBL, with fat being taken from the abdomen, back, and flanks and transferred to the buttocks.
This patient desired an improvement in her gluteal shape, removal of fat in undesired areas, and more defined musculature. Her treatment plan included Hi-Def Lipo 360 with SAFE Lipo & Vaser, with fat grafting to the gluteal area of 800 cc on each side to create her desired heart shape.
Before | After 1 month
This patient had previously undergone an abdominoplasty and liposuction (not visualized). However, she was displeased with her flanks and overall shape of her buttock area post-surgery. She desired a subtle result with an improvement to her hourglass shape.
Given her previous surgical history and the presence of scar tissue, performing repeat liposuction can be extremely difficult and unsatisfactory. However, as you can see the overall projection/shape of her buttocks have improved remarkably, with 700cc of fat injected into each cheek.
Treatment plan:
– Breast lift with auto augmentation using Wise pattern incision
– Liposuction and excess skin excision near the axilla (armpit) – Tummy tuck
– Liposuction of the flanks and upper abdomen
These excellent mommy makeover results are shown at just six weeks post-op; scars will continue to fade over time.
This patient underwent a breast reduction and lift in addition to an abdominoplasty with contouring liposuction. Results are shown at one year post-op.
Treatment plan:
– Extended tummy tuck
– Lipo 360
– Breast lift with auto augmentation; using the patient’s own tissue to create a fuller appearance
Results are shown at six weeks. This patient is already healing well and her results will continue to improve as swelling goes down and scars fade.
Treatment plan:
– Tummy tuck
– Contouring liposuction
– Breast lift and augmentation
This patient opted for a breast lift and abdominoplasty for their full-body transformation.
Treatment plan:
–Standard tummy tuck
–Lipo 360
–Breast augmentation with 415cc full profile implants, placed over the muscle through an under the fold (IMF) incision
This patient’s mommy makeover included a tummy tuck, a breast lift, and a breast augmentation with full profile subpectoral 335cc silicone implants that complimented her small frame. Results are shown at three months post-op.
This patient was happy with her existing breast implants from a previous operation, but was dissatisfied with how the breast tissue was falling off the implants and desired a lift. She opted for a bilateral mastopexy with an anchor scar pattern, as well as an abdominoplasty and liposuction contouring for waist definition. Of particular note is the appearance of her belly button, which has healed imperceptibly. This patient is thrilled with her beautiful mommy makeover results.
This patient opted for a mommy makeover with Dr. Somogyi that included an abdominoplasty and bilateral breast reduction, and is now feeling much more comfortable in her new form.
This patient’s mommy makeover included an abdominoplasty with diastastis repair, a breast augmentation and lift with 440cc implants and an anchor scar pattern, and contouring liposuction of both the abdomen and chest.
This patient’s mommy makeover included a tummy tuck with liposuction, and a breast augmentation with 325cc moderate profile plus implants via an inframammary incision.
This patient’s mommy makeover included a breast reduction and an abdominoplasty to achieve these balanced and natural-looking results. Results are shown at four months post-op.
This patient’s mommy makeover included a breast augmentation with 400cc moderate plus profile silicone implants placed under the muscle through an inframammary incision, as well as a tummy tuck with contouring liposuction to address the skin laxity present after having several children.
This patient opted for a mommy makeover that included an abdominoplasty and a bilateral breast reduction with contouring liposuction. These results are shown at three months post-op and her incision lines will continue to fade over time.
This patient’s mommy makeover included a breast augmentation and lift, as well as a tummy tuck with lipocontouring.
This patient is enjoying some really beautiful results after her mommy makeover. After having children, including multiple C-sections, she wanted to get her body feeling ‘back to normal’ again—a very common and understandable request.
She underwent a breast lift and augmentation using 295cc Moderate Plus profile implants, which as you can see has achieved a very naturally rejuvenated look. She was also a good candidate for tummy tuck surgery to address the small amount of excess skin on her abdomen, combined with rectus plication—tightening the abdominal muscles that can separate during pregnancy.
These results are shown at three months post-op. She is healing beautifully and her scars will continue to fade over time.
This patient opted for a mommy makeover that included a breast lift and augmentation using 330cc implants as well as a tummy tuck. As you can see, the tummy tuck resulted in improvements to the contours of her flanks (sides), in addition to her abdomen. Photos are shown at three months post-op.
Before | After 6 weeks
This patient’s mommy makeover included a tummy tuck, liposuction, and a breast augmentation with moderate profile 375cc implants along with 70cc of fat grafted into the upper pole of each breast to help correct some asymmetry. This method is termed a “composite breast augmentation” because it takes advantage of fat and implants simultaneously.
Before | After 3 months
This patient received a Mommy Makeover, combining a breast augmentation using smooth round 335cc gel implants with an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).
This patient’s mommy makeover included a breast reduction using the anchor wise pattern, and an abdominoplasty with lipocontouring of the flanks and upper abdomen to restore her true form.
Before | After 6 weeks
This patient’s mommy makeover included a bilateral breast reduction and an abdominoplasty with lipocontouring of the flanks and bra rolls.
For the reduction, Dr. Jalil used an anchor style scar pattern, and the standard abdominoplasty incision is hidden within the underwear line for seamless results.
Patient privacy is of utmost importance to us. We are so appreciative of the patients that have allowed us to display their photos on our website to help others explore their options. Many more patients have asked that their photos be restricted to direct patient use only – these additional photos can be viewed on TouchMD.