$500 per treatment
15% savings on packages of 3+ treatments
Recovery time
24 hours
Recommended series of 3 treatments, 4 weeks apart

What is skin resurfacing?

Achieving healthy, beautiful skin is easier than ever thanks to non-surgical skin resurfacing treatments with Venus Versa™. This technology uses small pins to safely deliver energy through the skin’s surface, creating tiny wounds that the body naturally heals. This process repairs signs of damage seen on the surface of the skin for noticeably smoother, healthier-looking skin. Keep reading to learn more about skin resurfacing in Toronto and whether it is right for you.

Who is skin resurfacing right for?

Our skin resurfacing technology is safe for all skin tones. Good candidates for skin resurfacing treatments in Toronto are those who show signs of skin damage, including deep wrinkles, scars, visible pores, stretch marks, or other textural concerns.

What are the risks of skin resurfacing?

Skin resurfacing treatments in Toronto are extremely safe when administered by qualified practitioners for suitable candidates. Certain pre-existing medical conditions may prevent you from receiving treatment; this will be discussed with you during your initial consultation.

How long will the results of skin resurfacing last?

The results of skin resurfacing treatments in Toronto are cumulative and will continue to improve for months following your treatment. Skin resurfacing effects are long-lasting, but regular treatments may be recommended to maintain results.

What to Expect From

Skin Resurfacing


Our skin resurfacing treatments in Toronto typically last no more than 30 minutes, depending on the area being treated. During your treatment, you will feel tiny pins on your skin followed by a little zap. Your skin will then feel warm, like a sunburn. Skin resurfacing treatments may be slightly uncomfortable but not painful. We will also provide a topical numbing cream to reduce any discomfort.


There is very little downtime associated with skin resurfacing, and you can return to most day-to-day activities immediately following treatment. Your skin will be red and warm, similar to a sunburn, which should subside within 24 hours; you can ease this by fanning or exposing the area to cool air. Keep your skin clean and protected from the sun, and avoid rubbing and scratching the area or applying anything to the skin, even water, for 24 hours following treatment. After 24 hours, you may apply makeup and resume your regular skincare routine. Avoid vigorous exercise and hot baths or massages on the treated area for 48 hours following treatment. We recommend applying sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your skin.


When it comes to skin rejuvenation, in-office treatments are one piece of the puzzle. To achieve the best possible result, we highly recommend pairing your treatments with complementary skincare that can be used at home before, between, and after your treatments to first prepare your canvas and then boost and maintain your results.

In combination with your skin resurfacing treatments, we recommend SkinMedica TNS Recovery Complex and/or SkinMedica Rejuvenative Moisturizer. Following the resurfacing effects of your laser treatments, the growth factors in the TNS Recovery Complex will encourage your skin to build healthy new tissue, while the Rejuvenative Moisturizer will nourish, hydrate, and offer antioxidant protection against future damage. We recommend waiting 24 hours after each skin resurfacing treatment before applying any products.

Click here to shop these products online, or get in touch with us for any questions about skin resurfacing in Toronto.

View our skin resurfacing results.

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Through their commitment to excellence and thoughtful care, Dr. Ron Somogyi, Dr. Waqqas Jalil, and Dr. Michael Brandt are passionate about helping you find your true form.

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