The journey to booking a surgery usually begins with a lot of research. Googling, talking to friends, calling potential clinics, checking out forums, meeting with surgeons, and thinking through your goals and desired outcomes. But recovery can feel mysterious. How long should you book off work? How will you feel? How can you prepare to recover well? A responsible, restful recovery is an essential part of a beautiful surgical result. Take the right steps to heal and you’ll allow your body to adjust and recover, enjoying your results sooner. Let’s walk through recovery after surgery so you know what to expect.
Tips for recovering from surgery effectively
Many of our patients are curious about surgical recovery. Here are a few general guidelines for anyone planning their surgical recovery.
If you’re not sure, take more time
The ladder to healing is different for everyone, but the idea in general is to lean more towards gentleness and a slow ease back into everyday activities. Just because you feel like you could, doesn’t mean you should. Honour your surgical guidelines; even if you’re feeling great, make sure you stick to the number of days your surgeon suggests for full recovery. If you’re not feeling 100% like yourself yet, err on the side of giving yourself more recovery time to make sure your body has been able to totally rest and bounce back.
Be patient and remember the results you’re about to enjoy
We know it can feel slow when you’re waiting to heal or for scars to fade, but it’s worth it to take your recovery process seriously. Remember that you have to do this just once, and that you’ll be enjoying the outcomes of a beautifully healed surgery for many years to come. By taking your time and asking for help with daily activities when you need it, you’re maximizing the way you heal and the outcome of your surgery. Push the limits and you could create injury or stress that interferes with your body’s ability to recover.
Don’t feel shy to ask questions
Your consultation is the best time to get curious, find answers, and get a good sense of what your surgery, results, and recovery will look like. Your health, safety, and beautiful outcomes are our priority, so you can feel confident in asking us anything you’re curious about. Get the answers you need and you’ll make recovery more comfortable, less stressful, and easier for yourself. We provide resources you can take home with you to reference as you heal.
Listen to your body
Only you know how your body feels and when you are at capacity, so always stop if you feel pain or discomfort, and know that it’s okay to take your time. Even if your surgery takes 4 weeks to heal from and you’re feeling discomfort on week 5, it’s okay to take time to check in and move slowly if you need more time to ease into everyday life again.
Sun protection is essential, especially during recovery
Sun damage can make scars more noticeable and affect healing, so you’ll want to be especially proactive with sunscreen and protective gear while your surgical scars are healing. Even in the winter, sneaky UV rays can damage the skin and scars are especially prone to pigmentation. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more with UVA/UVB protection, wear a hat, or avoid sun exposure until you’re totally healed. Even after you’ve recovered, keep wearing that sun protection to avoid scarring, pigmentation, and sun damage.
Emotionally recovering from surgery
Surgery is a physical transformation, but it can also be an emotional journey for many patients. A big change like this warrants reflection, emotional rest, and may bring up big feelings during recovery. If you’ve made this important decision to create a change you’ve been dreaming about, you may feel excitement, fear, emotional exhaustion, and other feelings that are all normal when a human body has been put through the inevitable stress of a surgery. The physical and emotional recovery you experience are in tandem, and by taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional needs you will also support your body’s ability to heal.
Here are some tips for emotional self-care as you recover from surgery:
- Rely on community and friends. Tell a few trusted friends or family members before you go into surgery, and ask them to check in during the following weeks. Grocery delivery, bringing in the mail, short visits, or movie-watching dates can all be helpful supports and distractions. Choose people who you can comfortably tell about the feelings you’re having and who can celebrate the results as you heal!
- Journal or write out thoughts and feelings as you recover. This isn’t for everyone, but if you like to write or draw, it’s a great way to process feelings as you enjoy your surgical results and get used to how your body feels.
- Try meditating if you need some extra support. It’s normal to have some swelling or bruising as you recover, and it can be hard to lie still or rest—especially if you’re an active person who leads a full life! Make sure you have supports set up so you can talk to someone if you’re feeling alone, or try meditation podcasts with calming guidance to relax on days when you’re feeling a bit weary. Little art projects, crosswords, puzzles, or other activities can also be helpful if you need a distraction during your downtime.
- Celebrate your outcomes! A beautiful surgical result is a big cause for celebration! You could have dinner with a few friends, celebrate with a partner, or take yourself to a movie to celebrate when you’ve recovered. If you’ve had a breast reduction, maybe a shopping spree for new blouses is in order. Had a tummy tuck after major weight loss? Enjoy going to the pool in a bathing suit without the extra skin that used to be a burden on your body and mind. Remember why you made the decision to have this surgery, and take time to congratulate yourself on your gorgeous results and to enjoy the outcome.
How long is the recovery time for my plastic surgery?
Each surgery has a different recommended recovery time. The way your body heals depends on your body type, the sort of surgery you’ve had, any medical conditions you have, and how your body uniquely responds to the surgical procedure. Recovery from surgeries like a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) are especially dependent on your activity level following the surgery, and other procedures like facial rejuvenation have varying recovery times based on the treatment plan and surgical technique.
Here are some general recovery timelines for plastic surgery procedures:
1 week
- Cleft earlobe repair
1-2 weeks
- Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)
- Lip lift
- Submental liposuction
- Hand rejuvenation via fat transfer
2 weeks
- Facial fat transfer
- Body lift
- Inverted nipple correction
2-3 weeks
- Breast asymmetry correction
- Breast augmentation with fat transfer
- Tuberous breast correction
- Brow lift
- Buccal fat removal
- Thigh lift
- Mini tummy tuck
2-4 weeks
- Transgender top surgery (gender affirmation)
2-6 weeks
- Otoplasty (ear surgery)
2-8 weeks
- Breast reconstruction
- Breast revision
3-4 weeks
- Male breast reduction (gynecomastia surgery)
- Bra line lift
- Arm lift
- Liposuction
3-5 weeks
- Labial reduction (timeline is for returning to sexual activity)
- Neck lift
- Facelift
3-6 weeks
- Brazilian butt lift (BBL)
4 weeks
- Breast reduction
- Composite breast augmentation (implants with fat transfer)
4-6 weeks
- Breast augmentation
- Rhinoplasty
6 weeks
- Breast lift
- Tummy tuck
How many days will I need to take off of work after my surgery?
This answer depends on whether you’re a remote worker, if your job includes a high degree of stress or physical activity, or if you have more flexibility to work half days or secure more paid time off. The ways in which we work vary dramatically. For some of the timelines above, you may be able to start low-impact activities or work before the timeline ends. For other surgeries, you may need to wait longer if your career involves physical activity or stress. If you have small children that require lifting or physical activity, that’s also an additional strain that, combined with your working habits, can present more physical stress on the body. Our surgical team is here to help you map out a recovery timeline that’s perfect for you. We’ll also provide you with a set of resources and guidelines for your surgical recovery.
Start with a surgical consultation
If you’re considering cosmetic surgery, you likely already know that a consultation is the perfect place to start. Our surgeons will walk you through the procedure you’re considering, answer any questions you have, and provide clear resources that let you know exactly how to best heal, recover, and make your way through to the stage where you’re enjoying your beautiful results.